In this episode we are going to review the locate and updatedb commands provided by the mlocate package. Locate is a useful command for finding files quickly. We will also look at updatedb.conf, reviewing the PRUNEPATHS option, using this to limit the stress on your servers.
In this episode we will create a Vagrant box with Veewee. We will use Veewee to create a working Vagrant SL (Scientific Linux) 6.4 box from a SL 6.3 template. I will demonstrate the process end-to-end. This process should work with RHEL and CentOS too.
In this episode we will review SystemRescueCd. SystemRescueCd is a very handy tool for troubleshooting problem. I have used it to re-install grub boot menus, transfer files from nonbootable machines, and a host of other issue. You can also use SystemRescueCd to launch Memtest86 and DBAN.
In this episode we will learn how to query and review rpm package information and the changelog history. This can be very helpful in determining whether a bug or CVE security issue has been fixed in a given rpm package.
In this episode we will use Oracle's VirtualBox to create a CentOS 6.3 virtual machine. Follow along as I download the install media, create a new virtual machine, and install CentOS 6.3. You can also download the CentOS 6.3 virtual machine which was created in this episode.