#71 - Industry News - Issue #1

Links, Code, and Transcript

Welcome to the first ever Industry News episode. The idea of this new weekly episode, is that I will review interesting links that I found throughout the week, that you might also want to checkout. Alright, so lets dive in with a few interesting links for this week.

PagerDuty Incident Response Process

A little while ago, PagerDuty had this cool post, where they walk through their Incident Response Process. What I thought was cool about it, was that it talks about Being On-Call, what to think about Before, During, and After an Incident, along with some Training links. This will likely come in really handy if you are putting together these types of procedures at your office. It’s pretty in depth too.

You can check it out at PagerDuty Incident Response Process along with the HN thread.

Tinder’s move to Kubernetes

Tinder posted a pretty interesting walk through of their migration to Kubernetes. They chat about things like cluster size, their docker image build process, cluster architecture, and work through a few war stories of getting this up and running on AWS. I like reading stuff like this, as you can tell this is hard earn knowledge, and it might help you if you are headed down this path too.

You can check it out at Tinder’s move to Kubernetes. This also reminded me of a similar post GitHub published back in 2017 at Kubernetes at GitHub.

6 Tips Before You Write Your Next Bash Cronjob

Found this interesting page on a few quick tips and common mistakes that happen at the command line. I personally, use the second suggestion here around output redirection very often. Say for example, that you have some process that is going to spit out lots of logging data, along with some errors if things go wrong. You want to capture stdout and stderr into a single log file for later review if needed. Well, you can use this very useful pattern here.

./long-running-process >> my-debug-file.log 2>&1

You can check these tips out at 6 Tips Before You Write Your Next Bash Cronjob.

Tips for a disciplined git workflow

I don’t know about you, but I often find myself using only the basic features of git, things like git add, commit, and push. I don’t really explore the internal beyond what I need. However, I did stumble upon this page and it suggested a few tips. But, the really interesting thing here, was this link to the Pro Git book. I didn’t know this was published on-line. So, if you are looking to brush up on a few things, you might want to check this out.

You can check out the Tips for a disciplined git workflow along with the Pro Git Book.

A Practitioner’s Guide to System Dashboard Design

The final set of link that I wanted to share, is this four part blog series called, A Practitioner’s Guide to System Dashboard Design. This series is pretty easy to digest and walks you through some high-level thinking around end-users, how to scale and layout your graphs, and some key metrics you likely want to monitor. Personally, I really like the review and summary sections as they are packed with useful tips and tricks. I’d recommend checking these out if you are looking for configure some internal Dashboards, or maybe you just want to refresh things a little too.

  1. Structure and Layout
  2. Presentation and Accessibility
  3. What Charts To Use
  4. Context Improvement

Alright, that’s it for this episode. Thanks for watching. Cya next week. Bye.

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